In order to create a masterpiece, time must be spent planning out how it will come together. Sketchpads are a good tool to use here, as they can allow images and words to be visual reminders of original thoughts. Much of the creative thinking often happens here and construction skills come into play later.
This artist wants to build a robot, which will have to be appropriately structured so that it functions effectively and doesn't topple over. He draws out several possibilities for how it might work. Being able to sit and focus on this task can be a difficult one, but can also be very rewarding in the end. This is an important concept to remember when one sets out to do anything worthwhile.
Finally, the artist feels he is ready to begin building. He is able to enjoy the process more fully, since he can refer to his drawings and modify from them as he works. Not all creations end up being the same as the way they were originally planned. However, having an outline is always helpful, so that some sort of structure is available if/when one encounters a period of chaos.
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