Sunday, June 9, 2013

Stuck on Art

When young artists enter the studio for the first time, they often don't know where to begin.  It can be hard for them to know exactly what their favorite thing to do with art is, and they may feel some nervous excitement about all of the options that lay before them.

Usually, the best place for them to start is right where they are.  This artist found that she really liked collage.  It seemed to come naturally, as she had at least had some experience using glue.  Finding pieces of paper, ribbons, fabrics, cardboard and buttons, she also found her way to a new interest.

Making friends while making her art, the artist gained momentum and continued to try new things, as ideas were shared with each other.  She added more layers to her creation while, at the same time, also added layers to her personal and social skill sets. 

The artist was so engaged with collage that she returned to it the next day.  Feeling more confident in her understanding of the activity, she was also more confident in her ability to label one of her favorite things to do with art.

The studio is a wonderful place for young artists to stick things together and discover surprising results. Often, the real surprise is that the artists end up being stuck on art themselves.  Process and product are balanced here, as both the art and the artist develops.

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