Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Bits and Pieces

Sometimes, an idea or a project can be daunting.  Looking at something as a big picture bring more cohesion and understanding, but can also bring about feelings of anxiety.  Sometimes, reorganizing the idea or project into bits and pieces can allow feelings of ease to come, and facilitate a more successful process.

In the studio, many of our young artists have great ideas.  However, they learn along the way that they must first find the bits and pieces that are needed to construct the whole.  This can be very literal, as with materials and tools, or it can be very intellectual, as with measuring dimensions and planning how it will function after it is made.

The artist here works in steps to create a piece of art.  She finds new things along the way, and is able to remain flexible while adding these in or taking others out.  The great thing about visual art is that it can be modified fairly easily.  Glue can be unstuck and wiped off.  Things can be covered up and glossed over.

Reaching for further bits and pieces, of both collage material and information, she can assimilate what she has with what she wants to achieve.  Again, this occurs both literally, through the art piece, and metaphorically, as knowledge is gained and understanding of the artistic process is cultivated.

Melding all of these bits and pieces together to reach a cohesive whole is the eventual goal of an artist.  It can be a long journey, full of struggles and strengths.  Yet, approaching the task with an ability to persist allows those small steps to result in a big leap, from investigation and uncertainty to understanding and self-trust.

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